Getting Started with Universal Service Monitoring (USM)
Automatically detect, map, manage, and monitor services in your environment with Datadog’s Universal Service Monitoring and the Software Catalog—no code-level instrumentation required!
Enhance Log Querying and Analytics with Reference Tables, Subqueries, and Calculated Fields
NEW! Combine metadata with your logs using Reference Tables. Filter one set of logs against another set of logs using Subqueries. Create new fields using existing tags and attributes at query time using Calculated Fields.
Dive Deeper into Log Queries and Aggregations
NEW! Create visualizations for counts and statistics of log attributes. Build multiple queries and formulas. Use functions to transform data in visualizations. Aggregate logs based on patterns and transactions (related sequences of events).
Getting Started with Service Level Objectives (SLOs)
NEW! In this course, you’ll deepen your understanding of Service Level Objectives (SLOs) and gain hands-on experience using them to solve issues in a web application. This builds on the concepts covered in Understanding Service Level Objectives.
Getting Started with Infrastructure and Cloud Network Monitoring
NEW! Learn how to analyze metrics, visualize network and infrastructure performance, and troubleshoot issues effectively in this introduction to using Datadog’s Infrastructure and Cloud Network Monitoring (CNM).
Getting Started with Integrations
Learn how Datadog’s 800+ integrations collect and report data from an expansive list of outside tools, platforms, programming languages, and more.
Getting Started with Metrics
Explore metric types, origins, and their role in monitoring. Practice querying, aggregating, and visualizing metrics to effectively track systems over time, establish baselines, identify patterns, and more.
Understanding Service Level Objectives (SLOs)
In this course, you’ll learn how to create, configure, and apply Service Level Objectives (SLOs) in Datadog to monitor the health and performance of your services. SLOs are critical for defining the expected reliability of your applications.
Getting Started with Monitors
NEW! Create, configure, and use Datadog Monitors to stay ahead of issues. Explore various monitor types and examine the monitor status page to detect issues early and keep systems running smoothly.
Advanced Log Configuration
NEW! Configure your logs to filter out sensitive data, gain support for multi-line logging, and apply global processing rules to get the most out of your logs. Solve common problems in configuring logs for a production application.
Diagnosing Application Bugs with Datadog APM
Leverage several features of the Datadog APM product to identify bugs within application code. Using insights gained from APM, fix those bugs and verify your fixes have made a difference in stability and performance.
Understanding OpenTelemetry
Discover the fundamentals of OpenTelemetry (OTel), an open-source standard for telemetry data collection. This course provides an overview of OTel's capabilities and benefits, preparing you for integrating observability into your applications.
Getting Started with APM Metrics & Traces
Monitor service health and performance with Application Performance Management. Explore traces to understand requests and interactions between services. Track key metrics to understand trends that impact system behavior and user experience.
Block Application Attacks with ASM Protection
Block application attacks using Datadog Application Security Management. Use the ASM In-App WAF and ASM Denylist to block suspicious IP addresses and requests. Add user information and custom business logic to traces and block malicious users.
Discovering Table, List, SLO, and Architecture Widgets
In this course, you’ll learn how to create, configure, and utilize Datadog dashboard table, list, SLO, and architecture widgets. You’ll track the metrics and performance of a web application and discover how to present important data.
APM Rate Limiting and Retention
Control APM trace retention and rate limiting for your applications. Add ingestion and retention filters, create metrics from traces, and monitor trace usage to better manage your APM data.
Getting Started with Serverless Monitoring on AWS
Monitor your serverless applications with Datadog using the Datadog Lambda Extension and trace libraries. Analyze distributed traces across multiple Lambda functions. Explore serverless performance metrics, logs, and dashboards.
Getting Started with Synthetic Monitoring and Browser Testing
Simulate user sessions to proactively test and monitor applications from different locations, browsers, and devices.
Customize Alert Monitor Notifications
Craft dynamic and descriptive notification messages for alert monitors using conditional, tag, and template variables. In the hands-on lab, you’ll gain practical experience by drafting and testing notification messages.
Detect Suspicious Process, File, and Network Activity with CSM Threats
Monitor file, network, and process activity with Cloud Security Management. Detect and investigate threats to cloud infrastructure in real-time. Secure containerized and host-based workloads.
Track Logs for Alerting and Investigations
Set up alerts for logs using Log Monitors. Investigate error logs using Error Tracking. Create metrics from logs using Generate Metrics. Visualize log data in Dashboards alongside related data and insights.
Getting Started with Log Explorer
Query logs from all of your log sources. Investigate log details. Build visualizations with Fields Aggregations. Create Saved Views. Add facets and measures.
Enable and Manage CSM Threats
Enable Cloud Security Management Threats (CSM Threats) for your cloud workload and detect infrastructure threats in real time. Manage out-of-the-box security agent rules and threat detection rules. Understand the CSM Threats rules pipeline.
Monitor a Kafka Pipeline with DSM
Learn to monitor Kafka pipelines with Data Streams Monitoring, a powerful tool for effectively overseeing your data-driven applications.
Introduction to OTel with Datadog
Configure your OpenTelemetry (OTel) instrumented system so that you can explore OTel-collected metrics, traces, and logs all in Datadog.
Discovering Graph Widgets
In this course, you’ll learn how to create, configure, and utilize Datadog dashboard graph widgets. You’ll track the metrics and performance of a web application and discover how to present important data using these popular widget types.
Set up APM for Java applications on a host
Set up Datadog Application Performance Monitoring (APM) for Java applications running on a host. Apply recommended practices and build confidence when adding APM to your applications.
Monitoring a Kubernetes Cluster: Troubleshooting Workloads
This course will present hands-on scenarios in which you will use Datadog to identify, fix, and monitor common Kubernetes workload issues.
APM Monitors and Alerting
Learn to create and modify effective APM monitors and alerts so your systems are properly monitored and the correct teams notified when something goes wrong.
Remediate Issues with Workflow Automation
Automate redundant, time-sensitive processes. Create workflows from scratch or using blueprints. Configure actions to automate tasks and communicate with teams and third-party services.
Monitoring a Kubernetes Cluster: The Control Plane
This course will walk you through monitoring each of a Kubernetes cluster's control plane components: API Server, Controller Manager, Scheduler, and etcd.
Configure Log Collection for a Containerized Application
Learn how to set up logging and log ingestion for an app that is built with Ruby and Python services in a Docker environment. The concepts are applicable to other languages, frameworks, and environments.
Manage and Monitor Indexed Log Volumes
Control and track retention and volumes of indexed logs to maintain costs using Indexes with Exclusion Filters, Logs Monitors, and the Log Management - Estimated Usage dashboard. Learn about Flex Logs vs Standard Indexing.
Configure Cloud SIEM for AWS
Secure your cloud environments with Datadog Cloud SIEM. Enable Cloud SIEM, ingest cloud audit logs, and install a Content Pack. The lab and examples in this course feature AWS. The concepts are applicable to multiple cloud providers.
Detect and Investigate Threats with Cloud SIEM
Secure your cloud environments with Datadog Cloud SIEM and cloud provider Content Packs. Explore out-of-the-box threat detection rules. Investigate incoming threats using Security Signals, Signals Explorer, and Cloud SIEM Investigator.
Introduction to Real User Monitoring (RUM)
How does your user experience impact operational success? Use data from real end-users to track UX, performance, deployments, and errors—all while gaining visibility into precisely how users interact with your apps.
Database Monitoring Quiz
Are you intrigued by exploring your understanding of Database Monitoring (DBM)? This quiz serves as an excellent opportunity to assess your comprehension of DBM, offering a foundation for further exploration and learning.
Introduction to Dashboards
In this course, you’ll learn how to create Datadog dashboards that display the status and performance of a web application. You’ll track the site's performance and error rate and present this data in a way that is easy to understand.
Tracking errors with RUM for JavaScript web applications
Learn how to use the error tracking features of Datadog Real User Monitoring (RUM) on your JavaScript web applications.
Process Logs Out of the Box with Integration Pipelines
Structure and enrich ingested logs from common sources using out-of-the-box and modified Integration Pipelines.
Build and Manage Log Pipelines
Build a log pipeline from scratch. Use the Pipeline Scanner to check if the pipeline is processing the logs as expected. Add a Standard Attribute for a common attribute in logs.
Create Custom Spans and Span Tags with APM
Learn how to create custom spans, create tags for those spans, and create measures from tags to surface data and troubleshoot issues with Datadog APM.
Find and Remediate Cloud Vulnerabilities with CSM Misconfigurations
Secure your cloud environments with Datadog Cloud Security Management (CSM). Set up CSM Misconfigurations for AWS and Google Cloud. Use CSM Compliance to assess your security posture against industry-standard frameworks.
Create and Share Your First Notebook
Learn how to use Datadog Notebooks to collect data across the platform into a document and share that with your colleagues.
Collect Custom Data with RUM for JavaScript Web Applications
Learn how to use Datadog Real User Monitoring (RUM) to collect custom data from your JavaScript web applications.
Monitoring a Kubernetes Cluster: Install the Agent
To monitor your Kubernetes cluster with Datadog, you must install the Datadog Agent. This course will walk you through the most common ways of installing Cluster and Node Agents on Kubernetes: the Helm chart and The Datadog Operator.
Managing Services with the Service Catalog
Understand the Datadog Service Catalog. Create and modify useful metadata with service definitions.
Optimize Request Latency with Profiling Timeline
Pinpoint causes of poor request latency using Timeline in Continuous Profiler. View the distribution of thread activity and runtime activity over every request for full visibility into multithreaded applications.
Create Business-Critical Insights Using Dashboards and SLOs
In this course you’ll learn techniques for creating an executive Dashboard that shows a mix of Powerpacks and widgets. You'll track business objectives, application uptime, and system performance while presenting this data in a Dashboard.
The Agent on a Host
Introduction to running the Datadog Agent on a host. Hands-on activities walk you through running and configuring the Agent to collect events, metrics and logs from other services.
The Agent on Docker
Introduction to running the Datadog Agent in a container. Hands-on activities walk you through running and configuring the Agent container to collect events, metrics and logs from other services.
Datadog Quick Start
Explore data and insights in Dashboards, Logs, Service Catalog, and Monitors for a live application environment. Become confident finding your way around Datadog features you'll use everyday.
Introduction to Monitoring AWS
This course will walk you through a series of hands-on exercises, including installing the integration and installing sub-integrations for specific services, such as AWS Lambda and Amazon RDS.
Configure Real User Monitoring (RUM) for JavaScript web applications
Learn about the different configuration options when setting up Datadog RUM on your JavaScript web applications.
Introduction to Observability
What is observability? This question needs to be answered before you start using the Datadog platform. In this introductory course we’ll cover the three pillars of observability and prepare you to move on to our Datadog Foundation training.
Datadog Foundation
This course offers an entrypoint to the Datadog platform by introducing many of its basic products and concepts, including integrations, Universal Service Monitoring, Service Catalog, logs, metrics, monitors, service level objectives, and dashboards.
Monitoring a Postgres Database with Datadog DBM
Identify inefficiencies and optimize your database. View query metrics, explain plans, and visualizations from all of your databases in a single place.
Datadog 101: Site Reliability Engineer
Datadog’s core suite of tools gives SREs the ability to view their entire infrastructure at a glance as well as zoom in on individual components such as processes. This course teaches you how to use these capabilities effectively.
Datadog 101: Developer
Learn the Datadog features and capabilities that are most fundamental to the application developer role, such as working with integrations, configuring your services for APM, synthetic API and browser testing, and RUM.
The Learning Environment
This course, a prerequisite for all Learning Center courses and workshops, sets you up in the learning environment and helps you get comfortable with its various controls and screens.
Tagging Best Practices
Develop an effective tagging strategy to improve data organization and visibility across your systems. Filter, group, and explore correlated data with tags in Datadog for deeper insights into performance, resource usage, and application behavior.
Create an Agent Integration
This course guides you through the development process for a sample Datadog integration, presenting the associated tooling along with the coding and configuration steps, all with a view to helping you start building your own integrations.
Introduction to Service Level Objectives
This course introduces you to basic SLO concepts and tasks, including how to create and work with SLOs and Error Budget Monitors in Datadog, as well as important associated considerations (such as how to identify good SLIs).
Diagnose Code Performance Issues with Continuous Profiler
Investigate and improve application code performance in production with Datadog Continuous Profiler.
Introduction to Monitoring Kubernetes
In this course, you learn the basics about monitoring the Kubernetes platform with Datadog, including the importance of tagging your various workloads. You also look at the different metrics, logs, and APM traces that are specific to Kubernetes.
Monitoring Workloads on Kubernetes
This course explores the distinctive aspects of monitoring workloads on Kubernetes, focusing in particular on the impact of workload scheduling.
Progressive Delivery in Kubernetes
A good observability strategy is key to success with progressive delivery. In this course, you learn various observability strategies for implementing progressive delivery in Kubernetes and how these strategies can fit different organizations.
Synthetic Tests in a CI/CD Pipeline
In this course, you learn how to incorporate Datadog's synthetic tests into a CI/CD pipeline to help you catch bugs in code before deployment.
Introduction to Cloud SIEM
In this course, you learn the fundamentals about how to use Cloud SIEM in Datadog to detect different types of security threats and attacks.
Detect Application Attacks with Application Security Management
Detect attacks against a vulnerable web application using Datadog Application Security Management (ASM) and Cloud Security Management (CSM). Create a custom ASM detection rule to enhance your defenses.
Introduction to Incident Management
In this course, you learn about managing incidents by working through a hands-on example with Datadog Incident Management. You also learn how to use Slack to effectively communicate incident status to your team.
Datadog API: Automation and Infrastructure as Code
In this course, you take a hands-on tour of the Datadog API and its capabilities. You also learn a variety of ways to communicate with the Datadog API, with an emphasis on automated methods.
Using Datadog Notebooks for Centralized Reporting
In this lab, you learn how to use Datadog and the Datadog API to build a notebook that holds, over a 5-day span, both metric data and software release notes for an application.
Managing Datadog monitors through Kubernetes configuration
In this lab, you use DatadogMonitor to define Datadog monitors as Kubernetes objects, allowing you to store them in Git with the rest of your application configuration.
Tracking Canary Deployments with Datadog
In this lab, you use Datadog’s deployment tracking together with Docker to deploy, track, and remediate issues within staged releases.
Using Datadog RUM to Track Core Web Vitals
This lab walks you through the process of using Datadog Real User Monitoring (RUM) to monitor Core Web Vitals for a fictional e-commerce app, Storedog.
Introduction to Cluster Checks and Endpoint Checks
In this lab, you learn how to set up cluster checks and endpoint checks for Kubernetes services.