Getting Started with Serverless Monitoring on AWS
NEW! Monitor your serverless applications with Datadog using the Datadog Lambda Extension and trace libraries. Analyze distributed traces across multiple Lambda functions. Explore serverless performance metrics, logs, and dashboards.
Datadog Quick Start
Explore data and insights in Dashboards, Logs, Service Catalog, and Monitors for a live application environment. Become confident finding your way around Datadog features you'll use everyday.
Introduction to Observability
What is observability? This question needs to be answered before you start using the Datadog platform. In this introductory course we’ll cover the three pillars of observability and prepare you to move on to our Datadog Foundation training.
Datadog Foundation
This course offers an entrypoint to the Datadog platform by introducing many of its basic products and concepts, including integrations, Universal Service Monitoring, Service Catalog, logs, metrics, monitors, service level objectives, and dashboards.
Datadog 101: Site Reliability Engineer
Datadog’s core suite of tools gives SREs the ability to view their entire infrastructure at a glance as well as zoom in on individual components such as processes. This course teaches you how to use these capabilities effectively.
Datadog 101: Developer
Learn the Datadog features and capabilities that are most fundamental to the application developer role, such as working with integrations, configuring your services for APM, synthetic API and browser testing, and RUM.
Tagging Best Practices
Develop an effective tagging strategy to improve data organization and visibility across your systems. Filter, group, and explore correlated data with tags in Datadog for deeper insights into performance, resource usage, and application behavior.