
In this course, you’ll learn how to create, configure, and utilize Datadog dashboard architecture, SLO, table, and list widgets. You’ll track the metrics and performance of a web application and discover how to present important data using these popular widget types.

This course is designed to complement the Discovering Graph Widgets course in the Learning Center. You will continue your dashboard learning journey and work with the rest of Datadog’s most popular widget types. Along the way, you’ll have the opportunity to configure all of these widgets manually and develop an understanding of when each should be employed.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, learners will be able to do the following:

  • Understand the data that can be presented using table and list widgets
  • Learn how architecture widgets can assist in monitoring infrastructure
  • Discover how SLO widgets can benefit your business
  • Complete your Datadog widget learning journey

Primary Audience

This beginner-level course is designed for anyone who builds, uses, or regularly interacts with Datadog dashboards.


Completion of the the following courses:

It is recommend that you have completed any of the following:

Technical Requirements

In order to complete the course, you will need:

  • Google Chrome or Firefox

Course Navigation

At the bottom of each lesson, click MARK LESSON COMPLETE AND CONTINUE button so that you are marked complete for each lesson and can receive the certificate at the end of the course.

Course Enrollment Period

Please note that your enrollment in this course ends after 30 days. You can re-enroll at any time and pick up where you left off.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    1. What are table and list widgets?

    2. What are SLO widgets?

    3. What are architecture widgets?

    4. Lab: Discovering Table, List, SLO, and Architecture Widgets

    1. Summary

    2. Feedback Survey

Discovering Table, List, SLO, and Architecture Widgets

  • 1 hour to complete
  • Beginner