
Modern applications behave quite differently in production compared to development or testing environments. Outlier requests and accounts, edge cases, configuration changes, security features, and request spikes can make an application behave in unexpected ways. This may lead to poor CPU and memory performance, which can be costly and result in an undesirable end-user experience. Datadog Continuous Profiler enables you to quickly uncover costly bugs and identify code improvements to help you reduce infrastructure costs and enhance end-user experience. In this course, you'll learn how to use Continuous Profiler to diagnose code performance problems in an application.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:

  • Determine when and how to use continuous profiling for diagnosing application performance problems
  • Apply a performance diagnostic methodology to troubleshoot code performance issues using profile types, endpoint profiling, and comparing profiles in Continuous Profiler

Primary Audience

Application developers who aren't familiar with diagnosing code performance problems, performance engineers, SREs


Technical Requirements

In order to complete the course, you will need the following:

  • Google Chrome or Firefox

Course Navigation

At the bottom of each lesson, click MARK LESSON COMPLETE AND CONTINUE button so that you are marked complete for each lesson and can receive the certificate at the end of the course.

Course Enrollment Period

Please note that your enrollment in this course ends after 30 days. You can re-enroll at any time and pick up where you left off.

Course curriculum

    1. What is Continuous Code Profiling?

    1. Continuous Profiling Goes Beyond Distributed Tracing

    2. Interpreting the Profiler Flame Graph

    3. Using Code Hotspots and Continuous Profiler to Investigate CPU Performance

    1. Breaking Down Resource Consumption using Profile Types

    2. Investigating Slow Endpoints with Endpoint Profiling

    3. Comparing Profiles to Gain More Insights into Code Performance

    4. Using Profile Types, Endpoint Profiling, and Compare to Investigate Code Performance

    1. Summary

    2. Feedback Survey

Diagnose Code Performance Issues with Continuous Profiler

  • 2 hours to complete
  • 9 Lessons
  • Intermediate