Exam Guides


  • How do I register for a Datadog Certification Exam?

    You can sign up for a Datadog Certification exam by visiting: https://www.webassessor.com/datadog

  • What certification exams are available?

    We currently offer three certification exams:
    - Datadog Fundamentals
    - APM & Distributed Tracing Fundamentals
    - Log Management Fundamentals

  • What languages are the exams available in?

    Datadog Fundamentals Certification Exam: English, Japanese, Korean
    Log Management Fundamentals: English
    APM & Distributed Tracing Fundamentals: English

  • What is the cost and format of the exam?

    The cost to take a Datadog certification exam is US$100. Each certification exam consists of 90 multiple-choice questions.

  • What reasonable accommodations are offered for test takers?

    To request reasonable accommodation for your certification exam, submit this form at least 30 days prior to your scheduled exam date

  • What is the retake policy for certification exams?

    You can attempt the exam as many times as needed to pass. However, within 180 days from your first attempt, you are limited to two additional retakes, for a maximum of three attempts in a 180 day window.
    If you fail to pass after the third attempt, you must wait 180 days before trying again. An absence will only be counted as an attempt if it is classified as a “No Call No Show Absence.”

  • How can I reschedule or cancel my certification exam?

    Follow the instructions below to reschedule or cancel your Datadog Certification exam. Note that rescheduling and cancellations are subject to our cancellation policy. General Instructions:
    - Step 1: Log in to https://www.webassessor.com/datadog using your account credentials
    - Step 2: Select the “My Assessments Tab”
    Step 3: In Scheduled Exams, click the Reschedule/Cancel link.
    To Reschedule:
    - Step 1: In the new screen, click the Reschedule button and follow the prompts.
    - Step 2: After rescheduling select “done”.
    To Cancel:
    - Step 1: In the new screen, click the Cancel button.
    - Step 2: In the “Process Refund” screen select “Yes, cancel this registration”
    - Step 3: Click submit For more information on how to reschedule or cancel your certification exam, click here: https://kryterion.my.site.com/support/s/article/How-to-reschedule-cancel-your-assessment?language=en_US

  • How can I verify if my computer meets the technical requirements?

    Perform a systems compatibility check by following the instructions on the Kryterion System Check

  • Who can I contact with general questions about Datadog's Certification Program?

    You can reach us at [email protected].