
Logs play an important role in the observability of your infrastructure and applications. Datadog Log Management provides a comprehensive solution that decouples ingestion and indexing. You can ingest and process (structure and enrich) all of your logs. You can then decide which logs to index for day-to-day querying, analytics, and monitoring. Log Explorer is your home base to work with ingested and indexed logs. This course helps you get started with querying and analytics in Log Explorer.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:

  • Identify tags, attributes, facets, and measures in Log Explorer
  • Use search syntax and the facets list in Log Explorer to search log data
  • Aggregate logs using Fields to create visualizations and lists
  • Save search queries as Saved Views for future investigations
  • Create facets and measures for tags and attributes in log details

Primary Audience

Developers, Frontend Engineers, Security Engineers, and any Datadog user who will use Log Explorer for querying log data.


Technical Requirements

In order to complete the course, you will need:

  • Google Chrome or Firefox
  • Third-party cookies must be enabled to access labs

Course Navigation

At the bottom of each lesson, click the MARK LESSON COMPLETE AND CONTINUE button so that you are marked complete for each lesson and can receive the certificate at the end of the course.

Course Enrollment Period

Please note that your enrollment in this course ends after 30 days. You can re-enroll at any time and pick up where you left off.

Course curriculum

    1. Observability with Logs using Datadog

    1. Log Explorer Overview

    2. Log Details Overview

    1. Search Syntax

    2. Facets and Measures

    3. Fields Aggregations

    4. Lab: Query and Analyze Logs

    5. Export Options and Saved Views

    1. Summary

    2. Feedback Survey

Getting Started with Log Explorer

  • 1 hour to complete
  • 9 Lessons
  • Beginner