Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:

  • Enable CSM Threats and configure the Datadog Agent for threat monitoring on hosts and containers
  • Manage security agent rules and CSM threat detection rules 
  • Understand the CSM Threats rules pipeline
  • Use security agent rules and threat detection rules to generate CSM Security Signals

Primary Audience

This course is designed for: 

Security engineers, platform engineers, and cloud engineers responsible for security monitoring in a public cloud environment. 


The prerequisites for this course are the following:

  • Recommended: Completion of the Learning Environment course
  • Basic cloud computing knowledge (this course features a sandbox AWS environment)
  • Familiarity with the Linux command line

Technical Requirements

In order to complete the course, you will need:

  • Google Chrome or Firefox

Course Navigation

At the bottom of each lesson, click the MARK LESSON COMPLETE AND CONTINUE button so that you are marked complete for each lesson and can receive the certificate at the end of the course.

Course Enrollment Period

Please note that your enrollment in this course ends after 30 days. You can re-enroll at any time and pick up where you left off.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    1. Get Started with CSM Threats

    2. Security Agent Rules

    3. Threat Detection Rules and Security Signals

    1. Lab Overview

    2. Lab: Enable and Manage CSM Threats

    1. Summary and Resources

    2. Feedback Survey

Enable and Manage CSM Threats

  • 1 hours to complete
  • Beginner